The safety of our
team comes first.
Current DART Rate
We never compromise
on safety.
Safety is of the utmost importance to us. Our in-house safety department leads the way in ensuring a comprehensive and proactive safety program for our people. They manage all aspects of safety, including new hire training, conducting job site safety inspections, providing ongoing training, leading foreman safety meetings, and organizing yearly company-wide safety meetings. Additionally, we have safety committees in place to foster a collaborative environment of safety awareness. Our safety team holds all members of Moss Utilities accountable, fostering an uncompromising culture of safety throughout our organization.
Robust New Hire Safety Training
We have a robust safety program for our team. It thoroughly covers job site awareness, trench safety, soil classifications, and more. Ultimately we train everyone on our team to take safety ownership.
Jobsite Safety Inspections
Our dedicated in-house safety team conducts daily job site inspections to ensure every team member works in a safe and secure environment.
Daily Jobsite JHAs
Each crew completes a Job Hazard Analysis on every Moss project daily. We aim to be proactive, not reactive to safety situations.
Ongoing Safety Training
We make sure to refresh our people on safety training on an on-going basis. If you only learn it once, the likelihood that you'll forget it is much higher. We train our crews to always be safe.
Safety Awards & Recognition
While safety always comes first at Moss, we make it a priority to recognize and celebrate those who uphold our safety standards. Through annual awards and team recognition, we highlight individuals who demonstrate exceptional commitment to safety, ensuring that accountability and awareness remain at the forefront of our culture.
Safety first, then production
Garrett Moss, President
"We've always treated it where we have an unlimited budget for trench safety. We're never going to tell you that you have to hurry, hurry, hurry and use the stuff that makes it unsafe. Slow down, get the right equipment, get what you need, and you always have the ability to shut down a job no matter who you are if you feel unsafe."
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